
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


同样事件如果发生在某Boleh-land 国度,可能有不同版本的回答:
1. 前任领导:“啊?(睡眼懵懵)我没有砍,我只是在樱桃树下睡着了!”
2. 现任领导:“我没有过那樱桃树!”
3. 刚卸任的国内最大政党青年团团长:“不可能是我,我只有短剑,没有斧头!”
4. 前前领导:“是的,是我砍下的。因为我不爽前领导睡在树下!”
5. 某律师:“嗯。。那人看似我,声音也似我,但我不认为是我!”
6. 某前任政客:“不是我从后面干的!我也不会把我的DNA给你们检验!”
7. 前任某州大臣:“现任执政政府应该马上去除草,而不是浪费时间调查樱桃树是谁砍的!”
8. 前领导女婿:“不是我,也不是飙车党。对了,甚么是樱桃树?”
9. 太空船党领袖:“连樱桃树都没听过,真丢尽牛津大学的脸!”
10. 某州里的一颗树:“樱桃树啊!看来我比你幸运。至少现在我还没被人砍倒,每天还有很多游客来跟我合照呢!”(这是我构思的!哈哈!)


Monday, March 30, 2009

Mammogram Program by LPPKN

Few weeks ago I surfed few Ministries websites for info on grants, I clicked to LPPKN website and realized there is a Mammogram Subsidize Program offered to woman with monthly family income less than RM5K or under high risk group. Successful applicants will get a RM50 discount if they undergo mammogram test in LPPKN clinics or specific clinics that have been approved by LPPKN.

So, I searched for LPPKN office in Kluang and finally found out it is located in Kluang hospital. However, the officer told me there isn’t any clinic in Johor which has this mammogram test service, not even a private hospital that signed up in assisting this program. If you visit the official website for this program, you can’t even locate any Klinik Nur Sejahtera LPPKN as there are some errors in that page. The official told me the nearest clinic is in Seremban.

This program was launched under 2007 national budget and it is still not functioning at all in Johor state. Ironically, there are more than 50 applicants in Kluang so far but none of them have done the test. I wonder if YB Dato' Sri Dr Ng Yen Yen (Minister of Women, Family and Community Development) is aware of it.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

OMG! I forgot about this blog!

Can you imagine how forgetful I am?
I created this blog in Jan 2007? Why I have totally forgotten about it? I have the idea of creating a blog for myself lately and been comparing blogspot & wordpress. Since I have tried blogspot before, so I thought why not give wordpress a shot? Guess what? I know wordpress is flexible and with more features but it's too difficult for me at the moment. Of course, there are other reasons: I got to pay if I want more control of the theme designs (which I don't really to pay at the moment); and the css code is really alien language to me at this moment.

So, I finally decided to come back to blogspot and I found this!!! Ooo.uuuu.... it's been 2 years.
So many things happened in my life!
First, I got married in July 2007 and then I have a baby girl ! Wow.....isn't that exciting?
ok, now it's time to find a place to write my thoughts or I would say to keep a simple diary for my future reference. For those who had delivered babies, I am sure you know what I mean. My memory is getting poorer ever since I delivered baby. So, it's kind of helping me to refresh my memory without keeping old thick diary books!

Anyway, I will start exploring blogspot again. There are many new cool features. But 1st of all, I have to redesign the whole page....